Monday, April 19, 2021

Unfit mother?

                 Would Mariah Carey have let her
           mother take care of her daughter?


By David Baker

    For all that Mariah Carey wrote in her sibling-bashing book, one topic was missing; she said nothing about the horrific abuse inflicted on her sister Alison by their mother when Alison was a child. 

   That raises a couple of questions: Was Mariah subjected to any of the same abuse?  If not, why was she spared? And either way, why is she not now sympathetic to the sister she acknowledged is “…very broken”?

   She certainly knows what happened to Alison. It’s been described numerous times in newspapers and on TV.  As someone who posts on social media and who is constantly searching the Internet for her name -- and who’s own mother was accused in a legal filing of allowing Alison to be sexual abused -- Mariah cannot credibly claim to not know.

   And if she thinks what happened was okay—and that it didn’t destroy Alison’s life—here’s a question: Would she allow her own  9-year-old daughter to endure the horrific psychological and sexual abuse Alison has described?


   It's been almost five months since The Meaning of Mariah Carey was published, coming up on the time when a paperback edition was a book would be released.


   But in this case the publishers have some decisions  to make.


    Do they leave in the parts about Alison and her brother Morgan, even though they are the subject of legal claims, and risk further legal exposure?


   Or do they take the disputed parts out, in what would likely be claimed was an admission of liability?

   Or they could simply abandon any plans to publish a paperback, thus losing additional income from the book -- and the constant attention Mariah craves.

    Mariah has also suggested there might will be a movie version of the book.  But would any production company approve say, a scene that portrays the incidents Mariah alleges in the chapter about Alison?  Or one with an actor playing Morgan slamming their mother's head against a wall -- as Mariah claims happened?

   That seems unlikely.  So the idea of a movie might be dead - because Mariah couldn't resist slamming her two siblings 


   Speaking of Mariah’s daughter -- and her twin brother:  At 9 years old, they have a relatively limited view of the world, shaped mostly by what their parents tell them.


    But that will change. The time will come when they will go on the Internet and learn about the aunt they have never met and that, as always, there is another side to the story.

    At that point they will realize what that they were led to believe was not the whole picture and, as a result will likely view both Alison -- and their mother -- in a very different light.


    Almost from birth, Mariah has made her two children public figures. Photos on Twitter and Instagram; videos on Facebook. They have even appeared on stage with her.

    All of which may result in them growing up, like their mother, with a grotesquely distorted sense of their own importance and their place in the world.


    BIG NEWS  The filing in early February of Alison's legal notice of a claim for intentional infliction of emotional distress over Mariah's memoir was reported across the country and around the world by dozens of publications, including:  Variety, Billboard, Rolling Stone, the Hollywood Reporter, the New York Post, the New York Daily News, Long Island Newsday, People Magazine and USA Today; and in Britain, the BBC, The Sun, the Independent, the Times and New Musical Express.  Reports also appeared on outlets in several other countries including Germany, Italy and Australia.

    A month later  Morgan Carey filed his own lawsuit which was also widely reported, with all the stories also mentioning Alison's claim, many of them in the first paragraph.

Meanwhile, Alison is preparing for an in-depth TV interview in which she will talk about not just the devastating trauma she suffered as a child but also other events in her life, many of them not revealed before, even to her family. 
