Alison Carey says she was forced to stab
a child during terrifying satanic rituals
Following the death of both Alison and her mother, Patricia Carey, on August 24, this page is republishing selected earlier posts. This one was first published on Oct. 1, 2020.
By David Baker
© 2020 David Baker.
For decades, Alison Carey has tried to forget how as a child she was forced to watch as babies and small children was stabbed as sacrifices during horrific middle of the night satanic rituals.
And now she describes how at least once she was forced to stab a child herself.
She says the rituals took place near the family’s home in Huntington, Long Island. Woken up at 2 a.m., she was taken by her mother Patricia to a building next to a Unitarian Universalist church on Long Island’s north shore that, with its large turrets, she describes as looking like a castle.
“I remember them dragging me through the woods between the church and the castle,” she said.
Once outside the building, she remembers a line of people wearing long cloaks and hoods going inside in a procession to an area on the ground floor.
“There was a circle, like a shallow dip in the ground,” she said. “There was a bunch of people around the circle and they were all watching.
“There was an alter, and they’d have a baby, really young, maybe 6 months old. They would be chanting, some other language. I didn’t know what they were saying. I didn’t understand it at all.”
“The baby would be unconscious,” she said, her eyes cast down, her voice breaking at the memory. “Why would they do that? Why wouldn’t they enjoy hearing the baby screaming?
“They would get somebody to stab the baby in the chest. There was blood all over the place.
“I don’t remember what happened next. I blacked out. If you saw someone stab a baby, what would happen to you?”
The worst horror, she says, was when she was forced to stab a child herself - who may or may not have already been dead; she doesn’t know. She says she thinks she, Alison, was given a drug - presumably a sedative to stop her becoming upset with what she was about to be forced to do.
She describes standing beside the child and stabbing her with some kind of dagger. She says she was then immediately moved away and doesn’t know what happened to the body.
“It was just a little girl they made me stab” she said “Maybe 4 or 5 months old.
“I didn’t want the children to die” she said, quietly choking back tears. “I would have done anything to save them. But what could I do? I was just a kid.”
These were memories she suppressed for decades, only beginning to recall the most horrific ones after she was hit on the back of the head with a baseball bat by an intruder in her home in 2015, leaving her with a brain injury in a still unsolved attack.
Alison says sexual activity was also a part of the terrifying rituals, and that she was routinely abused by the adults. But it was the murder of children that would affect her for decades.
“It’s not that I’m saying there was no sexual abuse. It’s just that killing people and the blood, and then forcing me to stab someone, a child - it was never an adult - those are the things I remember.
“I was thinking, ‘Are they going to live, are they going to die? Am I going to have to drink blood?’ Any baby’s blood, whether they killed them or I killed them. It didn’t matter; drink the blood.”
Alison says she doesn’t know if her sister Mariah was ever at the rituals. Mariah, born in 1969 when Alison was almost 8 years old, would have been a baby when Alison was forced to attend the satanic ceremonies.
But she says her mother would threaten to harm Mariah if Alison didn’t do what her mother wanted.
“I was told not to tell anyone what happened,” she said. “And I didn’t. I loved my baby sister. I would never let anything bad happen to her.”
For decades Alison tried to suppress the terrible images in her mind. She turned to drugs - a very common attempt at escape for victims of childhood atrocities. She even found a therapist who specialized in treating victims of satanic abuse.
But the damage was done. Diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder, depression and multiple-personality disorder, she has made bad decisions and struggled to manage her life, a situation compounded by the brain injury in 2015 that affected her short-term memory and vision.
Twice in the 1990s and again in 2016 she was arrested for soliciting an undercover police officer - another common occurrence for victims of childhood sexual abuse, who feel they are worthless to anyone except for loveless sex. The most recent case ended with a fine. (An online ad that led to the last arrest was composed by someone who, unlike Alison, had a computer. The first Alison knew that it contained lyrics from one of her sister’s songs was when it was reported by the media).
Alison has had no contact with her mother or sister for several years. Her other sibling, a brother a year old than her, got media attention in 2016 with sensational claims in newspaper stories and on TV shows, but did little to assist Alison with the money he made. There has been little communication with him since.
Alison acknowledges that over the years she has received help from members of her family. But then they gave up and, despite their considerable resources, didn’t step up even after her devastating brain injury. Several months after the attack she was in an upstate hospital for eight weeks, close to death following surgery to stop a brain hemorrhage, but neither her mother nor her sister came to visit.
Now she is resigned to the fact that her family members have disowned her. She isn’t looking for help from them.
But she does want her mother to be held accountable for the incomprehensible sadistic abuse she inflicted on her eldest daughter.
Accountable for a childhood lost. A life destroyed. A living Hell. A deliberate tragedy.
Twitter: @DavidFBaker